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We are now going to summarise this e-learning course. First of all, we talked about the definition of medication, we then looked at the different types of medication, we talked about how medication works. Although not scientifically proven, we know that it is divided into three main categories. We have the type that fights cell function, which are antibiotics. We have the type that interferes with cell function, which are pain killers. And we have the type that fights abnormal cells, and these are fungal treatments and cancer treatments.

We have looked at the importance of hygiene with regards to handling medication. Generally, there should be a no touch policy. Treat medication as food. Wash your hands before and after administration. Always ensure that you give the right person the right medication at the right time, the right dose, right route, the right method and give them the right to refuse. Document every step of the way. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. You may not remember next week exactly what medication you gave out, so you need to be able to show your trail. There must be a paper trail from when medication enters the care home to when it may need to be returned. Be it used, unused, out of date medication, there will always be the need to be able to account for every single tablet, liquid, cream or ointment.

Prescribed medication will be kept in a lockable area. Controlled drugs have to be kept within a separate lockable area within that locked cabinet. Controlled drugs need two signatures, the person giving the medication and the person witnessing the medication being given. Controlled drugs are for a named person only and as with every other medication should not be given to a different individual.