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As somebody responsible for dispensing and advising on medications, it's important to know a little bit more about the role of the pharmacist.

The role of the pharmacist is to ensure that there is a safe dispensing of prescribed medications, and medications that are available, and what we call over-the-counter OTC medication. So that the public can be assured that the medication that they have selected or somebody has selected for them is correct, and then they are going to apply it or take it correctly.

The pharmacist does not only dispense medications but is also a valuable source of information both about their storage and administration.

A pharmacist can give all types of advice to the patients, and it ranges from a spectrum of in terms of who the medication is for, what we are using the medication for, how to use the medication, how not to use the medication, what to do with the medication when we have finished with it, and a whole host of other areas that may overlap in those categories in terms of what we do with medication to make sure that we use it safely and get the best results from that medication.

So finally, let's look at the types of medications that you can buy from the pharmacist.

Medications are categorized, and the medications that you can come and readily buy from a pharmacist is what we call over-the-counter or OTC medications, and they generally fall into two classes, what we call general sales list, and these are also available in supermarkets and corner stores and so forth. And we also have P medicines, which are only available from the pharmacy, from a registered pharmacist premises under the supervision of the pharmacist. Now, these medications are slightly more potent and have a more specific use or they are limited in terms of the quantity that we can supply you, so that they are not abused or misused in any way.