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So it is very important that any homely remedies, such as your pain killers, cold and flu powders/sachets, whichever it might want to use, or any other supplements that could be coming in. Especially when they are looking at what people may be taking, additives or maybe they have gone to a specific type of remedy. We would much prefer that we go through the pharmacy for that process and that it is actually put on the MAR sheet itself because there are sometimes contraindications or side effects which can occur from taking a homely remedy, which can have an impact on the current medication they are taking. So we always try and recommend to an individual to make sure, if they do want to take any supplements or any painkillers, that they inform us so we can then monitor and then check via the GP that they can take them with the medication they are currently on. We have had many incidences where a family member may think they are doing the good thing - that their loved one is having a cold so they buy them a cold remedy and they give that to a person, but because of the paracetamol additive that is in there, it could mean that then we would offer them a pain relief later on, and they can't have it because they have already had their daily limit amount that they can have. There are massive indications with homely remedies in that we don't always know that there is a contraindication to other medications, or it has an effect which kind of decreases the potency of a medication or it makes a person have an allergic reaction.