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So the Medication Administration Record, which is short abbreviated for MAR Sheet, is sort of the lynch-pin of holding together what we do when we are administering medication. It is basically a script. So, on the MAR sheet, it will have the person's name, date of birth, any allergies that the person may have, it will have the GP's name and contact details, and then as it works its way down, it is a 28-day-cycle. So that is split down into 7 days in each week, so Monday to Sunday. Then depending on when you get the medication, not all pharmacies deliver on a Monday for the cycle to work that way, is when you get your start point and start date. On the MAR Sheet is exactly the same as the prescription that you have received from the GP. The information for each medication will be on there, so if the person is taking say, for example, diazepam as a medication, then it would state Diazepam, it would state the strength, say 20milligrams, and it will say if it is a tablet, a capsule, whichever form of medication it is, if it is a liquid. It will clearly state that on there. Then it will have the importance of any indicators of not to be taken with alcohol, not to use heavy machinery, so any warning information would be on there.