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It is important to always dispose of any medications correctly. You cannot simply flush them down the toilet. You also need to correctly document the disposal of any medications and you must follow your workplace practices and procedures on how this should be done. It may be through your pharmacist, or you may have a contract in place for waste medication collection.

The disposal of unwanted medications is very important. It was long, for many years, taught that we could just dissolve them, and flush them in your bathroom in the way in the loo. It is important because the danger of these chemicals and the danger that they can cause the environment and species in the sea where everything goes out to that they are disposed of correctly. The correct manner to dispose of this medication is to be returned to the pharmacy, where we have controlled collections of medication of all forms. These are then collected by certified pharmaceutical waste disposal companies and the medication is incinerated, therefore causing the least harm to the environment, and to the public in general.