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Covert medications are where the medication is given without the individual’s knowledge. This could be disguised in such things as food or yoghurts and is an unacceptable practice. If an individual refuses to take their medication, they cannot be forced to take it, as they have a legal right to refuse. In such circumstances, this must be documented, reported to the line manager, and if necessary, the GP is to be made aware.

However, in certain circumstances, a covert policy can be drawn up. This needs to be signed and agreed by both the GP, the line manager and the family of the service user. This is the only acceptable situation where covert medication can be given, and medication cannot be given covertly before this. If the individual does refuse their medication, it may just be that it's a bad time for them and it's always worth coming back 10 to 15 minutes later and trying again, with encouragement. Alternatively, ask a colleague. It may be that the colleague comes in, says exactly the same thing, and the person may well take their medication. Other options, of course, are seeing if the medication can be given in a different format. It may be that the individual prefers a liquid to a tablet, or it could just be that they're having an off day.

We must stress the importance of never giving medication without a client's consent unless under certain very specific circumstances. These would need to be deemed in the individual’s best interests, and a multi-disciplinary meeting would have to be held with all involved agreeing, in writing, a covert medication policy. Without this, in the eyes of the law, this could be seen as assault.