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It is very important to look at the storage instruction for medications because, just as we have with any other household products, we need to store them in different areas at different temperatures. Medication is likewise. We cannot assume that we store everything at ambient temperatures within the range of about 22 degrees, which is what one would call room temperature.

There are certain medications, vaccines, injections, even certain solid dosage tablets, which have to be stored between 3 and 8 degrees in a refrigerator. Most medications can be stored outside in room temperatures for a period of time, but if the directions are for them to be kept in a cool place, then they should be returned back into a cool space. Now, this does not always mean that they have to be stored in a refrigerator. It can be in a cool place in the house. It could be a cool wardrobe, a cool cupboard, somewhere where it is cool and not necessarily in the airing cupboard, or in your bathroom where temperatures will exceed those that are desired.